sludge decanter centrifuge of natural gas from the Marcellus Shale formation is having an effect on people, businesses, the Ecosystem in parts of north central Pennsylvania, like in the rural community of Coudersport, PA. The impact on life in the area of natural gas activities will have major impacts lasting for approximately 50 years. Initially, the local economy in natural gas drilling areas will grow substantially. In addition, the restaurants, hotels, and specialty gifts stores in the underlying areas will greatly benefit and make profits from the many workers needed to extract and transport the natural gas. For instance, in the Pennsylvania area projections indicate over 2,000 wells will be drilled within a year. In the years to follow approximately 40,000 more wells will be drilled.
The amount of people needed to perform these functions will greatly impact the local communities in positive and negative ways. Close to 400 workers of 150 different occupations are needed for each natural gas well. Many of these workers will only be working at the well sites and surrounding locations for a few days, whereas, others will require more time to complete their individual projects. Forecasters of the Marcellus natural gas project predict projects could last for the next fifty years. There will be people working in the gas fields, companies providing resources and services to the workers, development stages where drilling rights are acquired, and closing wells when drilling is completed. There is no doubt local businesses will make profits online and in their store.
Additionally, various companies in Coudersport, PA as well as other rural communities in the surrounding areas will benefit greatly from the influx of people passing through and taking residence in the boroughs. However, there is a price to pay for more profits and more people. With the arrival of more people and activity in the rural regions of Coudersport, PA and similar areas there stands to chance there will be more crime, social difficulties, and other social and environmental aliments. Already, local residents and businesses in Coudersport have witnessed significant increase in traffic and people in the downtown area. Hotels in the area are packed, while more and more people patronized the local restaurants in pursuit of a good meal.
Only time will tell if the Marcellus Shale projects will provide what is necessary concerning natural energy. Nonetheless, the lifestyle, businesses, citizens, and ecosystem in the areas involved in this project will be affected in a number of ways. More traffic, crime, and people are expected to infiltrate the passive and tranquil communities. Wildlife and renewable resources will also be affected by the increase of vehicles and populace. We hope all goes well...